Sunday, November 16, 2014


I am sorry I didn't get any tutorials done this month. Real life did a bang up job on this family.. My BF's Mom died, we had her funeral, which she was buried on the anniversary of our Dad's passing, even though it's been 4yr's. And then we had to pack up her 3 bedroom duplex apartment, and we only had from the 14th to the 31st to have all her stuff packed and gone. Even in Death there is no respect.
And in all this we had to leave town due to, an emergency for 4 days. Oh yeah, we also had to plan a Wedding of my BF to my brother, his 1st marriage.. took him 50 yr's , about time.. huh?
Ok so my next 2 tutorials are Halloween based, sorry- better late than never...
Can't wait till things get back to order.

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